kube-scheduler源码分析(六)之 preempt

以下代码分析基于 kubernetes v1.12.0 版本。


1. 调用入口




// scheduleOne does the entire scheduling workflow for a single pod.  It is serialized on the scheduling algorithm's host fitting.
func (sched *Scheduler) scheduleOne() {
    suggestedHost, err := sched.schedule(pod)
    if err != nil {
        // schedule() may have failed because the pod would not fit on any host, so we try to
        // preempt, with the expectation that the next time the pod is tried for scheduling it
        // will fit due to the preemption. It is also possible that a different pod will schedule
        // into the resources that were preempted, but this is harmless.
        if fitError, ok := err.(*core.FitError); ok {
            preemptionStartTime := time.Now()
      // 执行抢占逻辑
            sched.preempt(pod, fitError)


// 基于sched.schedule(pod)返回的err和当前待调度的pod执行抢占策略
sched.preempt(pod, fitError)

2. Scheduler.preempt



  1. 判断是否有关闭抢占机制,如果关闭抢占机制则直接返回。
  2. 获取调度失败pod的最新对象数据。
  3. 执行抢占算法Algorithm.Preempt,返回预调度节点和需要被剔除的pod列表。
  4. 将抢占算法返回的node添加到pod的Status.NominatedNodeName中,并删除需要被剔除的pod。
  5. 当抢占算法返回的node是nil的时候,清除pod的Status.NominatedNodeName信息。


2.1. preempt



// preempt tries to create room for a pod that has failed to schedule, by preempting lower priority pods if possible.
// If it succeeds, it adds the name of the node where preemption has happened to the pod annotations.
// It returns the node name and an error if any.
func (sched *Scheduler) preempt(preemptor *v1.Pod, scheduleErr error) (string, error) {
    if !util.PodPriorityEnabled() || sched.config.DisablePreemption {
        glog.V(3).Infof("Pod priority feature is not enabled or preemption is disabled by scheduler configuration." +
            " No preemption is performed.")
        return "", nil
    preemptor, err := sched.config.PodPreemptor.GetUpdatedPod(preemptor)
    if err != nil {
        glog.Errorf("Error getting the updated preemptor pod object: %v", err)
        return "", err

    node, victims, nominatedPodsToClear, err := sched.config.Algorithm.Preempt(preemptor, sched.config.NodeLister, scheduleErr)
    if err != nil {
        glog.Errorf("Error preempting victims to make room for %v/%v.", preemptor.Namespace, preemptor.Name)
        return "", err
    var nodeName = ""
    if node != nil {
        nodeName = node.Name
        err = sched.config.PodPreemptor.SetNominatedNodeName(preemptor, nodeName)
        if err != nil {
            glog.Errorf("Error in preemption process. Cannot update pod %v/%v annotations: %v", preemptor.Namespace, preemptor.Name, err)
            return "", err
        for _, victim := range victims {
            if err := sched.config.PodPreemptor.DeletePod(victim); err != nil {
                glog.Errorf("Error preempting pod %v/%v: %v", victim.Namespace, victim.Name, err)
                return "", err
            sched.config.Recorder.Eventf(victim, v1.EventTypeNormal, "Preempted", "by %v/%v on node %v", preemptor.Namespace, preemptor.Name, nodeName)
    // Clearing nominated pods should happen outside of "if node != nil". Node could
    // be nil when a pod with nominated node name is eligible to preempt again,
    // but preemption logic does not find any node for it. In that case Preempt()
    // function of generic_scheduler.go returns the pod itself for removal of the annotation.
    for _, p := range nominatedPodsToClear {
        rErr := sched.config.PodPreemptor.RemoveNominatedNodeName(p)
        if rErr != nil {
            glog.Errorf("Cannot remove nominated node annotation of pod: %v", rErr)
            // We do not return as this error is not critical.
    return nodeName, err



if !util.PodPriorityEnabled() || sched.config.DisablePreemption {
    glog.V(3).Infof("Pod priority feature is not enabled or preemption is disabled by scheduler configuration." +
        " No preemption is performed.")
    return "", nil


preemptor, err := sched.config.PodPreemptor.GetUpdatedPod(preemptor)
if err != nil {
    glog.Errorf("Error getting the updated preemptor pod object: %v", err)
    return "", err


func (p *podPreemptor) GetUpdatedPod(pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error) {
    return p.Client.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Get(pod.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})


node, victims, nominatedPodsToClear, err := sched.config.Algorithm.Preempt(preemptor, sched.config.NodeLister, scheduleErr)


err = sched.config.PodPreemptor.SetNominatedNodeName(preemptor, nodeName)


func (p *podPreemptor) SetNominatedNodeName(pod *v1.Pod, nominatedNodeName string) error {
    podCopy := pod.DeepCopy()
    podCopy.Status.NominatedNodeName = nominatedNodeName
    _, err := p.Client.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).UpdateStatus(podCopy)
    return err


err := sched.config.PodPreemptor.DeletePod(victim)


func (p *podPreemptor) DeletePod(pod *v1.Pod) error {
    return p.Client.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Delete(pod.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})


// Clearing nominated pods should happen outside of "if node != nil". Node could
// be nil when a pod with nominated node name is eligible to preempt again,
// but preemption logic does not find any node for it. In that case Preempt()
// function of generic_scheduler.go returns the pod itself for removal of the annotation.
for _, p := range nominatedPodsToClear {
    rErr := sched.config.PodPreemptor.RemoveNominatedNodeName(p)
    if rErr != nil {
        glog.Errorf("Cannot remove nominated node annotation of pod: %v", rErr)
        // We do not return as this error is not critical.


func (p *podPreemptor) RemoveNominatedNodeName(pod *v1.Pod) error {
    if len(pod.Status.NominatedNodeName) == 0 {
        return nil
    return p.SetNominatedNodeName(pod, "")

2.2. NominatedNodeName




func NewConfigFactory(args *ConfigFactoryArgs) scheduler.Configurator {
      // unscheduled pod queue
            Handler: cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
                AddFunc:    c.addPodToSchedulingQueue,
                UpdateFunc: c.updatePodInSchedulingQueue,
                DeleteFunc: c.deletePodFromSchedulingQueue,


func (c *configFactory) addPodToSchedulingQueue(obj interface{}) {
    if err := c.podQueue.Add(obj.(*v1.Pod)); err != nil {
        runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to queue %T: %v", obj, err))


// Add adds a pod to the active queue. It should be called only when a new pod
// is added so there is no chance the pod is already in either queue.
func (p *PriorityQueue) Add(pod *v1.Pod) error {
    defer p.lock.Unlock()
    err := p.activeQ.Add(pod)
    if err != nil {
        glog.Errorf("Error adding pod %v/%v to the scheduling queue: %v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, err)
    } else {
        if p.unschedulableQ.get(pod) != nil {
            glog.Errorf("Error: pod %v/%v is already in the unschedulable queue.", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
    return err


// addNominatedPodIfNeeded adds a pod to nominatedPods if it has a NominatedNodeName and it does not
// already exist in the map. Adding an existing pod is not going to update the pod.
func (p *PriorityQueue) addNominatedPodIfNeeded(pod *v1.Pod) {
    nnn := NominatedNodeName(pod)
    if len(nnn) > 0 {
        for _, np := range p.nominatedPods[nnn] {
            if np.UID == pod.UID {
                glog.Errorf("Pod %v/%v already exists in the nominated map!", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
        p.nominatedPods[nnn] = append(p.nominatedPods[nnn], pod)


// NominatedNodeName returns nominated node name of a Pod.
func NominatedNodeName(pod *v1.Pod) string {
    return pod.Status.NominatedNodeName

3. genericScheduler.Preempt


// ScheduleAlgorithm is an interface implemented by things that know how to schedule pods
// onto machines.
type ScheduleAlgorithm interface {
    Schedule(*v1.Pod, NodeLister) (selectedMachine string, err error)
    // Preempt receives scheduling errors for a pod and tries to create room for
    // the pod by preempting lower priority pods if possible.
    // It returns the node where preemption happened, a list of preempted pods, a
    // list of pods whose nominated node name should be removed, and error if any.
    Preempt(*v1.Pod, NodeLister, error) (selectedNode *v1.Node, preemptedPods []*v1.Pod, cleanupNominatedPods []*v1.Pod, err error)
    // Predicates() returns a pointer to a map of predicate functions. This is
    // exposed for testing.
    Predicates() map[string]FitPredicate
    // Prioritizers returns a slice of priority config. This is exposed for
    // testing.
    Prioritizers() []PriorityConfig




  1. 根据调度失败的原因对所有节点先进行一批筛选,筛选出潜在的被调度节点列表。
  2. 通过selectNodesForPreemption筛选出需要牺牲的pod和其节点。
  3. 基于拓展抢占逻辑再次对上述筛选出来的牺牲者做过滤。
  4. 基于上述的过滤结果,选择一个最终可能因抢占被调度的节点。
  5. 基于上述的候选节点,找出该节点上优先级低于当前被调度pod的牺牲者pod列表。



// preempt finds nodes with pods that can be preempted to make room for "pod" to
// schedule. It chooses one of the nodes and preempts the pods on the node and
// returns 1) the node, 2) the list of preempted pods if such a node is found,
// 3) A list of pods whose nominated node name should be cleared, and 4) any
// possible error.
func (g *genericScheduler) Preempt(pod *v1.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister, scheduleErr error) (*v1.Node, []*v1.Pod, []*v1.Pod, error) {
    // Scheduler may return various types of errors. Consider preemption only if
    // the error is of type FitError.
    fitError, ok := scheduleErr.(*FitError)
    if !ok || fitError == nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, nil
    err := g.cache.UpdateNodeNameToInfoMap(g.cachedNodeInfoMap)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, err
    if !podEligibleToPreemptOthers(pod, g.cachedNodeInfoMap) {
        glog.V(5).Infof("Pod %v/%v is not eligible for more preemption.", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
        return nil, nil, nil, nil
    allNodes, err := nodeLister.List()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, err
    if len(allNodes) == 0 {
        return nil, nil, nil, ErrNoNodesAvailable
    potentialNodes := nodesWherePreemptionMightHelp(allNodes, fitError.FailedPredicates)
    if len(potentialNodes) == 0 {
        glog.V(3).Infof("Preemption will not help schedule pod %v/%v on any node.", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
        // In this case, we should clean-up any existing nominated node name of the pod.
        return nil, nil, []*v1.Pod{pod}, nil
    pdbs, err := g.cache.ListPDBs(labels.Everything())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, err
  // 找出可能被抢占的节点
    nodeToVictims, err := selectNodesForPreemption(pod, g.cachedNodeInfoMap, potentialNodes, g.predicates,
        g.predicateMetaProducer, g.schedulingQueue, pdbs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, err

    // We will only check nodeToVictims with extenders that support preemption.
    // Extenders which do not support preemption may later prevent preemptor from being scheduled on the nominated
    // node. In that case, scheduler will find a different host for the preemptor in subsequent scheduling cycles.
    nodeToVictims, err = g.processPreemptionWithExtenders(pod, nodeToVictims)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, err
    // 选出最终被抢占的节点
    candidateNode := pickOneNodeForPreemption(nodeToVictims)
    if candidateNode == nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, err

    // Lower priority pods nominated to run on this node, may no longer fit on
    // this node. So, we should remove their nomination. Removing their
    // nomination updates these pods and moves them to the active queue. It
    // lets scheduler find another place for them.
  // 找出被强占节点上牺牲者pod列表
    nominatedPods := g.getLowerPriorityNominatedPods(pod, candidateNode.Name)
    if nodeInfo, ok := g.cachedNodeInfoMap[candidateNode.Name]; ok {
        return nodeInfo.Node(), nodeToVictims[candidateNode].Pods, nominatedPods, err

    return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf(
        "preemption failed: the target node %s has been deleted from scheduler cache",


3.1. selectNodesForPreemption


nodeToVictims, err := selectNodesForPreemption(pod, g.cachedNodeInfoMap, potentialNodes, g.predicates,g.predicateMetaProducer, g.schedulingQueue, pdbs)



// selectNodesForPreemption finds all the nodes with possible victims for
// preemption in parallel.
func selectNodesForPreemption(pod *v1.Pod,
    nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo,
    potentialNodes []*v1.Node,
    predicates map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate,
    metadataProducer algorithm.PredicateMetadataProducer,
    queue SchedulingQueue,
    pdbs []*policy.PodDisruptionBudget,
) (map[*v1.Node]*schedulerapi.Victims, error) {

    nodeToVictims := map[*v1.Node]*schedulerapi.Victims{}
    var resultLock sync.Mutex

    // We can use the same metadata producer for all nodes.
    meta := metadataProducer(pod, nodeNameToInfo)
    checkNode := func(i int) {
        nodeName := potentialNodes[i].Name
        var metaCopy algorithm.PredicateMetadata
        if meta != nil {
            metaCopy = meta.ShallowCopy()
        pods, numPDBViolations, fits := selectVictimsOnNode(pod, metaCopy, nodeNameToInfo[nodeName], predicates, queue, pdbs)
        if fits {
            victims := schedulerapi.Victims{
                Pods:             pods,
                NumPDBViolations: numPDBViolations,
            nodeToVictims[potentialNodes[i]] = &victims
    workqueue.Parallelize(16, len(potentialNodes), checkNode)
    return nodeToVictims, nil

3.1.1. selectVictimsOnNode



  1. 先检查当该节点上所有低于预被调度pod优先级的pod移除后,该pod能否被调度到当前节点上。
  2. 如果上述检查可以,则将该节点的所有低优先级pod按照优先级来排序。
// selectVictimsOnNode finds minimum set of pods on the given node that should
// be preempted in order to make enough room for "pod" to be scheduled. The
// minimum set selected is subject to the constraint that a higher-priority pod
// is never preempted when a lower-priority pod could be (higher/lower relative
// to one another, not relative to the preemptor "pod").
// The algorithm first checks if the pod can be scheduled on the node when all the
// lower priority pods are gone. If so, it sorts all the lower priority pods by
// their priority and then puts them into two groups of those whose PodDisruptionBudget
// will be violated if preempted and other non-violating pods. Both groups are
// sorted by priority. It first tries to reprieve as many PDB violating pods as
// possible and then does them same for non-PDB-violating pods while checking
// that the "pod" can still fit on the node.
// NOTE: This function assumes that it is never called if "pod" cannot be scheduled
// due to pod affinity, node affinity, or node anti-affinity reasons. None of
// these predicates can be satisfied by removing more pods from the node.
func selectVictimsOnNode(
    pod *v1.Pod,
    meta algorithm.PredicateMetadata,
    nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo,
    fitPredicates map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate,
    queue SchedulingQueue,
    pdbs []*policy.PodDisruptionBudget,
) ([]*v1.Pod, int, bool) {
    potentialVictims := util.SortableList{CompFunc: util.HigherPriorityPod}
    nodeInfoCopy := nodeInfo.Clone()

    removePod := func(rp *v1.Pod) {
        if meta != nil {
    addPod := func(ap *v1.Pod) {
        if meta != nil {
            meta.AddPod(ap, nodeInfoCopy)
    // As the first step, remove all the lower priority pods from the node and
    // check if the given pod can be scheduled.
    podPriority := util.GetPodPriority(pod)
    for _, p := range nodeInfoCopy.Pods() {
        if util.GetPodPriority(p) < podPriority {
            potentialVictims.Items = append(potentialVictims.Items, p)
    // If the new pod does not fit after removing all the lower priority pods,
    // we are almost done and this node is not suitable for preemption. The only condition
    // that we should check is if the "pod" is failing to schedule due to pod affinity
    // failure.
    // TODO(bsalamat): Consider checking affinity to lower priority pods if feasible with reasonable performance.
    if fits, _, err := podFitsOnNode(pod, meta, nodeInfoCopy, fitPredicates, nil, nil, queue, false, nil); !fits {
        if err != nil {
            glog.Warningf("Encountered error while selecting victims on node %v: %v", nodeInfo.Node().Name, err)
        return nil, 0, false
    var victims []*v1.Pod
    numViolatingVictim := 0
    // Try to reprieve as many pods as possible. We first try to reprieve the PDB
    // violating victims and then other non-violating ones. In both cases, we start
    // from the highest priority victims.
    violatingVictims, nonViolatingVictims := filterPodsWithPDBViolation(potentialVictims.Items, pdbs)
    reprievePod := func(p *v1.Pod) bool {
        fits, _, _ := podFitsOnNode(pod, meta, nodeInfoCopy, fitPredicates, nil, nil, queue, false, nil)
        if !fits {
            victims = append(victims, p)
            glog.V(5).Infof("Pod %v is a potential preemption victim on node %v.", p.Name, nodeInfo.Node().Name)
        return fits
    for _, p := range violatingVictims {
        if !reprievePod(p) {
    // Now we try to reprieve non-violating victims.
    for _, p := range nonViolatingVictims {
    return victims, numViolatingVictim, true

3.2. processPreemptionWithExtenders


// We will only check nodeToVictims with extenders that support preemption.
// Extenders which do not support preemption may later prevent preemptor from being scheduled on the nominated
// node. In that case, scheduler will find a different host for the preemptor in subsequent scheduling cycles.
nodeToVictims, err = g.processPreemptionWithExtenders(pod, nodeToVictims)
if err != nil {
    return nil, nil, nil, err


// processPreemptionWithExtenders processes preemption with extenders
func (g *genericScheduler) processPreemptionWithExtenders(
    pod *v1.Pod,
    nodeToVictims map[*v1.Node]*schedulerapi.Victims,
) (map[*v1.Node]*schedulerapi.Victims, error) {
    if len(nodeToVictims) > 0 {
        for _, extender := range g.extenders {
            if extender.SupportsPreemption() && extender.IsInterested(pod) {
                newNodeToVictims, err := extender.ProcessPreemption(
                if err != nil {
                    if extender.IsIgnorable() {
                        glog.Warningf("Skipping extender %v as it returned error %v and has ignorable flag set",
                            extender, err)
                    return nil, err

                // Replace nodeToVictims with new result after preemption. So the
                // rest of extenders can continue use it as parameter.
                nodeToVictims = newNodeToVictims

                // If node list becomes empty, no preemption can happen regardless of other extenders.
                if len(nodeToVictims) == 0 {

    return nodeToVictims, nil

3.3. pickOneNodeForPreemption


candidateNode := pickOneNodeForPreemption(nodeToVictims)
if candidateNode == nil {
    return nil, nil, nil, err


// pickOneNodeForPreemption chooses one node among the given nodes. It assumes
// pods in each map entry are ordered by decreasing priority.
// It picks a node based on the following criteria:
// 1. A node with minimum number of PDB violations.
// 2. A node with minimum highest priority victim is picked.
// 3. Ties are broken by sum of priorities of all victims.
// 4. If there are still ties, node with the minimum number of victims is picked.
// 5. If there are still ties, the first such node is picked (sort of randomly).
// The 'minNodes1' and 'minNodes2' are being reused here to save the memory
// allocation and garbage collection time.
func pickOneNodeForPreemption(nodesToVictims map[*v1.Node]*schedulerapi.Victims) *v1.Node {
    if len(nodesToVictims) == 0 {
        return nil
    minNumPDBViolatingPods := math.MaxInt32
    var minNodes1 []*v1.Node
    lenNodes1 := 0
    for node, victims := range nodesToVictims {
        if len(victims.Pods) == 0 {
            // We found a node that doesn't need any preemption. Return it!
            // This should happen rarely when one or more pods are terminated between
            // the time that scheduler tries to schedule the pod and the time that
            // preemption logic tries to find nodes for preemption.
            return node
        numPDBViolatingPods := victims.NumPDBViolations
        if numPDBViolatingPods < minNumPDBViolatingPods {
            minNumPDBViolatingPods = numPDBViolatingPods
            minNodes1 = nil
            lenNodes1 = 0
        if numPDBViolatingPods == minNumPDBViolatingPods {
            minNodes1 = append(minNodes1, node)
    if lenNodes1 == 1 {
        return minNodes1[0]

    // There are more than one node with minimum number PDB violating pods. Find
    // the one with minimum highest priority victim.
    minHighestPriority := int32(math.MaxInt32)
    var minNodes2 = make([]*v1.Node, lenNodes1)
    lenNodes2 := 0
    for i := 0; i < lenNodes1; i++ {
        node := minNodes1[i]
        victims := nodesToVictims[node]
        // highestPodPriority is the highest priority among the victims on this node.
        highestPodPriority := util.GetPodPriority(victims.Pods[0])
        if highestPodPriority < minHighestPriority {
            minHighestPriority = highestPodPriority
            lenNodes2 = 0
        if highestPodPriority == minHighestPriority {
            minNodes2[lenNodes2] = node
    if lenNodes2 == 1 {
        return minNodes2[0]

    // There are a few nodes with minimum highest priority victim. Find the
    // smallest sum of priorities.
    minSumPriorities := int64(math.MaxInt64)
    lenNodes1 = 0
    for i := 0; i < lenNodes2; i++ {
        var sumPriorities int64
        node := minNodes2[i]
        for _, pod := range nodesToVictims[node].Pods {
            // We add MaxInt32+1 to all priorities to make all of them >= 0. This is
            // needed so that a node with a few pods with negative priority is not
            // picked over a node with a smaller number of pods with the same negative
            // priority (and similar scenarios).
            sumPriorities += int64(util.GetPodPriority(pod)) + int64(math.MaxInt32+1)
        if sumPriorities < minSumPriorities {
            minSumPriorities = sumPriorities
            lenNodes1 = 0
        if sumPriorities == minSumPriorities {
            minNodes1[lenNodes1] = node
    if lenNodes1 == 1 {
        return minNodes1[0]

    // There are a few nodes with minimum highest priority victim and sum of priorities.
    // Find one with the minimum number of pods.
    minNumPods := math.MaxInt32
    lenNodes2 = 0
    for i := 0; i < lenNodes1; i++ {
        node := minNodes1[i]
        numPods := len(nodesToVictims[node].Pods)
        if numPods < minNumPods {
            minNumPods = numPods
            lenNodes2 = 0
        if numPods == minNumPods {
            minNodes2[lenNodes2] = node
    // At this point, even if there are more than one node with the same score,
    // return the first one.
    if lenNodes2 > 0 {
        return minNodes2[0]
    glog.Errorf("Error in logic of node scoring for preemption. We should never reach here!")
    return nil

3.4. getLowerPriorityNominatedPods


  1. 获取候选节点上的pod列表。
  2. 获取待调度pod的优先级值。
  3. 遍历该节点的pod列表,如果低于待调度pod的优先级则放入低优先级pod列表中。


// Lower priority pods nominated to run on this node, may no longer fit on
// this node. So, we should remove their nomination. Removing their
// nomination updates these pods and moves them to the active queue. It
// lets scheduler find another place for them.
nominatedPods := g.getLowerPriorityNominatedPods(pod, candidateNode.Name)
if nodeInfo, ok := g.cachedNodeInfoMap[candidateNode.Name]; ok {
    return nodeInfo.Node(), nodeToVictims[candidateNode].Pods, nominatedPods, err



// getLowerPriorityNominatedPods returns pods whose priority is smaller than the
// priority of the given "pod" and are nominated to run on the given node.
// Note: We could possibly check if the nominated lower priority pods still fit
// and return those that no longer fit, but that would require lots of
// manipulation of NodeInfo and PredicateMeta per nominated pod. It may not be
// worth the complexity, especially because we generally expect to have a very
// small number of nominated pods per node.
func (g *genericScheduler) getLowerPriorityNominatedPods(pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) []*v1.Pod {
    pods := g.schedulingQueue.WaitingPodsForNode(nodeName)

    if len(pods) == 0 {
        return nil

    var lowerPriorityPods []*v1.Pod
    podPriority := util.GetPodPriority(pod)
    for _, p := range pods {
        if util.GetPodPriority(p) < podPriority {
            lowerPriorityPods = append(lowerPriorityPods, p)
    return lowerPriorityPods

4. 总结

4.1. Scheduler.preempt



  1. 判断是否有关闭抢占机制,如果关闭抢占机制则直接返回。
  2. 获取调度失败pod的最新对象数据。
  3. 执行抢占算法Algorithm.Preempt,返回预调度节点和需要被剔除的pod列表。
  4. 将抢占算法返回的node添加到pod的Status.NominatedNodeName中,并删除需要被剔除的pod。
  5. 当抢占算法返回的node是nil的时候,清除pod的Status.NominatedNodeName信息。


4.2. genericScheduler.Preempt



  1. 根据调度失败的原因对所有节点先进行一批筛选,筛选出潜在的被调度节点列表。
  2. 通过selectNodesForPreemption筛选出需要牺牲的pod和其节点。
  3. 基于拓展抢占逻辑再次对上述筛选出来的牺牲者做过滤。
  4. 基于上述的过滤结果,选择一个最终可能因抢占被调度的节点。
  5. 基于上述的候选节点,找出该节点上优先级低于当前被调度pod的牺牲者pod列表。


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